Embracing Advent


Advent comes from the Latin word adventus, meaning 'arrival' or 'coming', and is observed in the four weeks leading up to Christmas.

Just like Israel anticipated the arrival of a Messiah, throughout history the Church has used Advent as a season of reflecting on the birth of Jesus and anticipating his return.

Advent is a time to celebrate the King who has come and will come again.

It's a way of embracing Christ over consumer visions of Christmas.

It's a means of entering the story that shapes each of our stories.


Sometimes it's hard to know how to embrace different times of the year or seasons of the church calendar in practical ways that point us toward Christ. Three simple ways that the church has done this throughout history is by incorporating practices of anticipating, waiting and remembering. Here are some suggestions for how you can do that this Advent seasons!

Anticipate: Anticipate the coming of Jesus by spending time each day reading the Scriptures in the lead up to Christmas. God's word is a story about those who anticipated the coming of a Messiah—whether for the first or second time! You might like to ask this question each day too: What does this passage say about the importance and relevance of Jesus' incarnation: then, now and in the future? We’ve put a reading plan below that you might like to use.

Wait: Embrace small moments of waiting. Israel waited for generations for the coming of the Messiah, and we too await his return with longing and anticipation. The season of Advent reminds of that this wait is not in vain. In moments when you're waiting—in line for a coffee, as you fall asleep, on the bus or before meeting a friend—direct your prayers and thoughts in hopeful expectancy toward Christ, instead of reaching for your phone or another distraction.

Remember: While Advent is a season anticipating the future coming of Jesus, it's also about remembering the wonder of his first incarnation. One tangible way to draw your attention to remembering this is by lighting a candle each day. It's a physical reminder of the promise that Jesus came to be the light of the world, and continues to be today. You might like to pray at this time too!

If you’d like to read a little more about Advent, you can check out some further posts being made here: instagram.com/resilient_rhythms

Advent Reading Plan

1 - Isaiah 9:1-7

2 - Isaiah 11:1-10

3 - Isaiah 52:13-53:12

4 - Isaiah 61:1-6

5 - John 3:16-21

6 - Psalm 27

7 - Colossians 1:15-20

8 - Micah 5:2-5

9 - Matthew 11:2-10

10 - Zephaniah 3:14-17

11 - Galatians 4:4-6

12 - Romans 14:4-13

13 - Matthew 1:1-17

14 - Matthew 1:18-25

15 - Matthew 2:1-12

16 - John 1:1-9

17 - John 1:10-18

18 - Mark 1:1-3

19 - Psalm 100

20 - Luke 1:5-25

21 - Luke 1:26-38

22 - Luke 1:39-56

23 - Luke 1:57-80

24 - Luke 2:1-21

25 - Luke 2:25-33


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